The Dixie Derby club is, where we attend on a Thursday every week, It takes place in Beeston, Nottingham, in the local methodist church. It begins at eight giving chance for partticipation in any number of dances. You don't have to take part in all of them, though. There are snacks at the break and we celebrate holidays and special events (eg.Halloween). Above: Dixie Derby Halloween night. The club has been running for many years under the guidance of Barry and Irene Gardiner. Barry having been a caller for many, many years. In addition to the regular Thursday evenings - excluding holidays, Barry and Irene organise Saturday evening club dances, to which other clubs in the area are invited to attend. Rarely does Barry do the calling on a Saturday, instead inviting other callers to assist. The evening of the 14th December 2017, sadly, saw the last ever dance night of the Dixie Derby club. Barry and Irene after a considerable amount of thought have decided to close the club. They have not had a good year finance wise, with a number of members absent through holidays, ourselves included, which as put strains on the finances. In addition they both admit that they would like to be freer so that they too can go on more holidays. A sad decision, as this was without doubt the most relaxed and friendly club that we have had the pleasure to belong too. Thursday evenings will not be the same. Above picture shows regulars and a number of guests, who made the effort to attend, the last night of Dixie Derby, all of us there to acknowledge Barry & Irenes hard work, not just for the club, but for square dancing in general within Nottingham. We will, thankfully, keep in touch with a number of the folk, through other activities, where our paths cross, and offcourse at future Saturday dances - caller permitting. A 2019 update on our square dancing interest is the sad news that we will no longer be taking part. Despite the intense training and thorough interest and enjoyment we can no longer participate as a couple and that was the main reason for us both learning and becoming so actively involved. Pam was finding it increasingly difficult to be involved as much as she was in the beginning, which meant that, rightly so, we sat out on a number of dances throughout the evening. I could have danced with other partners, but that wasn't what I wanted, even though Pam was happy for me to do so. I preferred my wife as my partner over any other. Sad, after all the work we both put into learning, both with Jean at "Dial A" and at home reviewing the dances on the "Saddlebrook" web site. An experience we both will miss, but common sense prevails.
Dixie Derby
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